So much to talk about, so little time

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Slack or WhatsApp?

Slack or WhatsApp?

Slack and WhatsApp may seem to share the same functionality. But in truth, they are completely different and should be used for different purposes and in different methodologies. This article compares the two apps.

Business Development
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Podcasts: Pre and Post Production

Podcasts: Pre and Post Production

Podcasts - it seems like everyone has one. The types of podcasts are varied and can include single monologues, discussions between two co-hosts, guest interviews by one or more hosts, and so many other options. Basically the sky's the limit.

Business Development
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Finding the right tools to implement your process

Finding the right tools to implement your process

You’ve defined a process and have identified who does what and where. The main question you have now is what are the right tools to use for THIS workflow. Tools that will integrate with the rest of your workflow and not force you to use and pay for duplicate tools.

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Setting up your processes

Setting up your processes

Whether you realize it or not, your business has processes, and they define how things are done. You may not have defined these proactively, but they developed as you grew your business. Understanding your processes can help you build a more stable business that can take on more work, with less effort. Ensuring you, your employees and your clients are taken care of in the best way possible.

Business Development
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Sales Pipeline
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Give your customers a stellar process - lessons from a falafel stand

Give your customers a stellar process - lessons from a falafel stand

It’s never too late to define processes and get your business streamlined. Write out a list of the different processes you have. In the service industry, for example, these can include a sales pipeline, project management, content creation, etc.

Sales Pipeline
Case Studies
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Limitations of AI

Limitations of AI

I’m a quick adaptor to new tech (obviously). I love testing it out and using what works really well. With all the discussions about AI floating about, it’s hard to NOT find ways to incorporate it into your daily life. And yet - I am not a fan. At least not when it comes to AI in marketing.

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7 Positive Red Flags for Client Engagement and Business Growth

7 Positive Red Flags for Client Engagement and Business Growth

Whilst red flags are often associated with negative and caution, here are 7 good red flags that I look for when I'm on a call with a potential client that indicate to me that they’re going to be a good client

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Sales Pipeline
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What makes automation work?

What makes automation work?

We all want our lives made easier right? Automation makes everything so much easier, But is it really worth the investment? What makes it actually work?

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Templates make life easier - or at least your sales calls

Templates make life easier - or at least your sales calls

You’ve set up a meeting with a new prospect YAY! Your scheduling tools send them a reminder an hour before and maybe even 10 minutes before. You get on the zoom call. Nothing, Nada, crickets!

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Sales Pipeline
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Who Wix is good for — and who it isn’t

Who Wix is good for — and who it isn’t

I used to be a huge Wix supporter. When I did my rebrand, that all changed. In this post, I’m going to give you all the juicy details. I’ll tell you about problems I experienced when transfering to a new provider, preventive measures I wish I had taken and who I still think Wix is a good fit for.

Website Development
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Business Development
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Goals Vs Milestones

Goals Vs Milestones

Any business owner will tell you, that having goals is what ensures your business is on the right track and going where you want it to go. Our minds are like heat seeking missiles. When we are working towards something, knowing what the end goal ensures we’re on the right track to achieving it. Do you have goals for your business? How are you tracking those?

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TECH WARS 🥊 Fathom vs. SummarAIze

TECH WARS 🥊 Fathom vs. SummarAIze

Welcome to Tech Wars. The series where 2 similar tech tools fight it out for my good opinion :) I’ll share pros and cons of each tool, and in the end, one may or may not emerge victorious. Today’s contenders are 2 AI tools.

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Project Management
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How I outsourced my website development - Building a brand

How I outsourced my website development - Building a brand

At the end of 2022 my business was growing. My services were more well-defined, my target audience better defined, and my messaging changed.

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Setting up your software for delegation

Setting up your software for delegation

How do we not spend hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars buying them a seat to all of our software?

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What I learned from creating a group program

What I learned from creating a group program

Late February, I launched my very first group program. An 8-week program intended to help coaches, consultants, and creatives streamline.

Sales Funnel
Sales Pipeline
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It's not about you, it's about your client

It's not about you, it's about your client

I spent most of last month working with course and community creators. One thing that was the most important: The customer journey

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Sales Pipeline
Course Creation
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Where to start in the infant stage of business?

Where to start in the infant stage of business?

Your mind must be racing with questions about all the things you need. Website, newsletter, podcast. social media, online course?

Business Development
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The Jargon Buster

The Jargon Buster

Not all of us are born with a Google brain and sometimes we have to take it back to basics!

Business Development
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Podcasting for the busy coach

Podcasting for the busy coach

Doesn't it seem like everyone is starting a podcast these days? In fact, there are over 2.4 million podcasts in 2022.

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Qualifying Leads with Chatbots!

Qualifying Leads with Chatbots!

When I started my business, I never got the whole qualifying leads question. I mean, how do I know what lead is qualified?

Sales Pipeline
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Scheduling apps
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Support Your Freelancer

Support Your Freelancer

As a business grows one of the main decisions that needs to be made is whether to hire in-house or to outsource to freelancers.

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All in One Tools - Yay or nay?

All in One Tools - Yay or nay?

When most small businesses start up, the big question arises regarding tools is: should I go with an all-in-one solution?

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Is Your Head In The Clouds About Data Privacy?

Is Your Head In The Clouds About Data Privacy?

Many small business owners think that data privacy is something only big companies need to concern themselves with.

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The Income Glass Ceiling

The Income Glass Ceiling

As a small business owner, especially a coach or consultant, you're going to feel the glass ceiling at some point, with the level of income

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Is Gumroad Worthy of the Hype?

Is Gumroad Worthy of the Hype?

Okay, seriously, somebody has to explain to me what all the hype is about Gumroad!

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The Wizard of ODD Discusses Social Media Apps

The Wizard of ODD Discusses Social Media Apps

Social media. What a powerful tool to grow your business. When done right, is astronomical compared to what you can get with paid ads.

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The Pain of Picking The Right Project Management Tool

The Pain of Picking The Right Project Management Tool

There are so many project management tools out there today. It really is hard to find one that's perfect for you.

Project Management
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Automate Your Onboarding

Automate Your Onboarding

We all want to save time on admin tasks. So why not automate what you can? I review three tools that will make the process easy for you.

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Sales Pipeline
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Scheduling apps
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Building Your Team As a Coach, and Effortlessly Delegating to Them

Building Your Team As a Coach, and Effortlessly Delegating to Them

Most coaches and consultants are a one person team. But there are only 24 hours in a day. The solution? Begin hiring or delegating.

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Getting your course ready for LAUNCH!

Getting your course ready for LAUNCH!

You've decided that you want to write a course. Make sure you've checked that there is an audience for your course and they want it!

Sales Funnel
Evergreen Products
Course Creation
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Let's Talk Communication!

Let's Talk Communication!

Let's be honest. We're more connected than ever before. There are more ways to communicate than at any point in history.

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Managing Your Finances As a Coach/Consultant

Managing Your Finances As a Coach/Consultant

Most small business owners, coaches, consultants that I've spoken with are struggling with finances.

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How do you know WHAT to Delegate?

How do you know WHAT to Delegate?

Coaches and consultants are often busy with the things that have nothing to do with coaching nor consulting.

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Tying Your Shoes Phase

Tying Your Shoes Phase

Testing out your lead and onboarding automation sequence. Create a fake client and test yohr workflow. Then test again.

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Client Onboarding

Client Onboarding

Onboarding your clients can be automated and still get them off to a great start. You should set up an onboarding process.

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Cha-Ching! Phase

Cha-Ching! Phase

How to automate your invoices and payment process. I like to get paid, I don't like the hassle that goes with it. So I've created a workflow

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Sales Pipeline
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The Awkward ZOOM Phase

The Awkward ZOOM Phase

Automating your pre and post sales calls. Ideally, you should be paying attention to the call and not fiddling around on the PM tool.

Sales Pipeline
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Life Coordination Workflow

Life Coordination Workflow

When someone reaches out to you, it's time to set up a meeting to see if it will be a good fit for both parties.

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Workflow Sequence For Coaches and Consultants

Workflow Sequence For Coaches and Consultants

Workflow sequence that works for you, not against you. It's going to keep your leads and client onboarding process streamlined and automated

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The 4 Stages of Business Owners

The 4 Stages of Business Owners

For most business owners, there are four phases they all go through. Each phase has its own unique needs, demands, speed, and complexity.

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ThriveCart Learn Walkthrough

ThriveCart Learn Walkthrough

After this video, you will have everything you need to win back your time and get some cash flow going into your bank account with a click

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Website Development
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Quick Formula That Can Help You Write Your Landing Pages

Quick Formula That Can Help You Write Your Landing Pages

Selling? I would highly recommend that you hire a copywriter. But for those of you who like to go at it alone this article is for you.

Sales Funnel
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Course Creation
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Launching a Product in 1 Week

Launching a Product in 1 Week

I've sold several thousand dollars worth of my digital product and have the next one ready to launch.

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Case Studies
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You can't scale with just a notebook

You can't scale with just a notebook

Selling? I would highly recommend that you hire a copywriter. But for those of you who like to go at it alone this article is for you.

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Why creating evergreen products is important to scale up

Why creating evergreen products is important to scale up

Time is finite. Which basically means there's a limited number of hours a day that you can work. Even if you work 24 hours a day, you know you'll crash if you do that. And if you are a coach or a consultant, doing some sort of work that requires your time, there's a glass ceiling.

Evergreen Products
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The Perfect Course Platform: ThriveCart Learn

The Perfect Course Platform: ThriveCart Learn

About 2 months ago, I looked into different course platforms. I compared their pricing, integrations, and features. Since then, I have been introduced to a few more platforms for courses. But none have hit all the marks as much as ThriveCart Learn. If you follow my articles, you will remembered that'

Evergreen Products
Course Creation
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The Complete Guide to Selling your Online Product

The Complete Guide to Selling your Online Product

Learn how to set up systems to successfully sell your digital products (using ThriveCart)

Sales Funnel
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11 Min Read
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Course platforms - which is right for you?

Course platforms - which is right for you?

People don't want their course content via their inbox. They want it on a platform. Now I just needed to decide which platform to use.

Sales Funnel
Evergreen Products
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Website Development
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Scheduling app: OnceHub

Scheduling app: OnceHub

When I was just starting out, I signed up to Calendly, like one does. I wasn't smart enough to make the most of my trial period, and it ran its course before I knew what was what. I was left with one meeting type option and an annoying UX. I quickly found a wonderful tool that had everything I neede'

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Scheduling apps
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Scheduling apps

Scheduling apps

I've been searching for a scheduling tool for a really long time. Six months to be exact....The ideal tool for me should be easy to use for me but also for my clients. I want a tool that people can use easily and compare their availability to mine without having to go back and forth.Here's a list'

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Scheduling apps
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Customer Relationship management - CRM

Customer Relationship management - CRM

Many tools are complicated to learn. But CRMs seem to have this knack for being even more complex than others. Who contacted you? Where did they come from? Have you spoken with them? When? How? Where? Did they move forward in the sales process? Did they sign a contract? Where was that contract again'

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PM tool: ClickUp

PM tool: ClickUp

It's a sort of cross over between Asana and Monday and both of them are better in my mind.

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Sales funnel - what's that?

Sales funnel - what's that?

You have a service, a talent, a product. Now you want to start selling it. But there are just so many moving parts. Where to start?

Sales Funnel
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ESP review: Drip

ESP review: Drip

When I view my contacts, I see a bunch of emails. Not names. I find that this attitude de-personalizes the process.

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PM tool: Basecamp

PM tool: Basecamp

I understand that chatting is part of the company culture and it has tons of value. But the structure of this app is one that pulls you in.

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PM tool review: Asana

PM tool review: Asana

Each project can be separated into sections with a list in each section. Love it already. I get to see the entire project at a glance.

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PM tool review: Jira

PM tool review: Jira

Managing sprints, versions and builds at the press of a button. Jira integrates with Bitbucket, with the option of adding commits to branche

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PM tool review:

PM tool review:

The structure is based on folders. Each folder contains boards and each board has different view options that you can edit and customize.

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ESP review: ConvertKit

ESP review: ConvertKit

Sign up was very simple. Working on the landing page was easy peasy. Finding the general style definitions was a piece of cake

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ESP review: GetResponse

ESP review: GetResponse

Their pricing page presents some troubling data. But I'm on a mission: find the best value for money, so I sign up. Things start looking up!

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ESP review: Flodesk

ESP review: Flodesk

There is no contact limit, or email send limit. I really liked their on-boarding flow. I found what I was looking for in seconds.

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ESP review: Mailchimp

ESP review: Mailchimp

They have a great free package that comes with lots of features. But is it really all it's cracked up to be? Not so sure. It's worth taking

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ESP review: MailerLite

ESP review: MailerLite

When I first started to review email service providers (ESPs), I heard from quite a few people that they were using MailerLite. I decided to check it out to see how they measure up. On first registration it seems very professional ... Just a bad user experience.

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ESP review: ActiveCampaign

ESP review: ActiveCampaign

Their UI and UX are so much easier than most other ESPs I've tested out. List fields can be added, personalized and sorted so easily.

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Choosing an Email Service Provider

Choosing an Email Service Provider

It's so important to cultivate an email list. But how do you manage your contacts? Your best bet is to sign up to an email service provider

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How do ESPs count contacts (and why does it matter)?

How do ESPs count contacts (and why does it matter)?

I set out to try to find an ESP that would give me the features I want, for a reasonable price, with the user experience that just works.

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Creating an easy source of income

Creating an easy source of income

Do you want to generate more income with minimal work? Who doesn't, right? What if I told you it was totally possible using content you already have?

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What is a style guide and how can I create one?

What is a style guide and how can I create one?

A style guide helps ensure your brand is consistent across all platforms and media. This means your customers get the same experience no matter where they encounter you. It will help build your brand and create brand loyalty.

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7 Steps to properly test your website or software

7 Steps to properly test your website or software

Making sure your site or app are functioning properly is key to ensuring your users have a great experience. Here are a few steps you can take to ensure your software is presenting you in the best way possible

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Website Development
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10 Steps to building your website

10 Steps to building your website

The steps to building a good site, that will lead to conversion may seem excessive. Trust me, they're not.

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Website Development
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Great apps for starting your own business

Great apps for starting your own business

There are many apps out there than can help you boost your business and give you a more professional look. Here's a compilation of tools for design, user-engagement, integration, tracking & reporting, and project management.

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What are integrations? Why do I need them?

What are integrations? Why do I need them?

An integration connects two or more apps based on triggers and actions... Integrations are for every business, big or small.

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