Automating your pre and post sales calls. Ideally, you should be paying attention to the call and not fiddling around on the PM tool.

Automating your pre and post sales calls.

For some it fills them with dread.

For others, it’s a chance to solve problems.

The sales call.

Or the discovery call.

Or whatever you call this phase.

It’s a crucial part of your funnel.

But, if you did the first phase of the funnel right, you would have been super prepared with the prospects filling the form out and Zap moving it into your PM or CRM tool for your review.

Ideally, you should be paying attention to the call and not fiddling around on the PM tool. I would even encourage you to take some old fashioned notes during the call so you don’t forget anything but still maintain eye contact and presence with the prospect.

When the call is over, simply transfer the notes to the card you’ve created for the prospect.

(If you want to digitize this process, use a Rocketbook or a tool like it.)

If you have standard questions, timelines and milestones, you can create a form using JotForm and fill out the fields during the meeting. You can then push the data to Airtable using JotForm’s native Airtable integration.

Let’s say the client is interested in a proposal from you.

Obviously, you will need a template for the proposal that can be filled out based on fields in the client card in Airtable.

Once you update the client card, you can trigger the next step in the process; sending the proposal.

As you can see, you’re basically delegating the administrative work of lead funnels to technology.

After the meeting with your prospect, write up a summary of the call based on the description you wrote.

Use this as the basis for a proposal, a statement of work, or any contract or document you want to send out and collect a signature.

Make sure you create the different fields you will need in your proposal in different columns, Airtable, or fields in your CRM or PM tool.

Have a trigger tag or column.

For example, when you add a tag “Send proposal” or when you change the send proposal status to Ready - have that trigger a zap that will put together your proposal based on the fields you filled.

And yes… I’ve created the basic zap for you, but you will need to map out the different fields.

I've used Airtable for the trigger and PandaDocs for the proposal. They have various types of documents such as proposals, invoices, contracts or you can use them as an e-signature tool.

This zap uses a template in PandaDocs to create the proposal.

Your client can now sign the document electronically. Add another zap to save signed documents to specific locations. Save on the manual work.

Next → Getting paid

Feel like you needed a clip that would help walk you through this?

Maybe you needed the Zaps ready to go instead of fiddling with it?

Did you feel like you would have loved to have the Airtable databases themselves?

Well… I've got you covered.

I have a PDF that you can purchase that includes everything I mentioned above. You can basically plug it all in with the help of clips and your workflow sequence will be up and running in no time.

Click here if you’re interested in the PDF.